Frequently Asked Questions
My child has had a bad experience - can you help?
First of all, we are sorry to hear that your child has had an unpleasant experience in the water. Our instructor will take the first lesson (or lessons) slowly. We want your child to get used to the new environment and new people (the instructor and others in the class).
If you have had a bad experience please try not to let this influence your child.
Trust in our instructor and give plenty of encouragement to your child to help them settle in.
How can I (parent/guardian) help?
It would be fantastic if you could help your child by getting them in a positive state of mind before arriving at their lesson. Try not to rush them too much before the lesson starts (difficult for some, we know) as it is important for your childs focus to be with the instructor when they arrive. It can help for parents to remain out of eyesight for the duration of their childs lesson. Our instructor will kindly let you know this if necessary.
Why are the same skills repeated over and over?
Children learn through repetition, as such certain skills will be done over and over again to help your child build muscle memory. This is especially true in the early stages while your child is learning the foundations of learn 2 swim. That being said our instructor will endeavour to make your childs lesson as fun as possible, not just 'meat and potato's, meat and potato's, meat and potato's' as Laurie Lawrence says.
When will my child move up to the next Funshine Level?
Certificates of achievement will be issued by our instructor upon completion of all skills in the level. Students progress through the levels at different speeds as they gain ability and confidence. This is gauged on an individual basis. Funshine Learn 2 Swim highly recommends your child does 2 lessons per week. It has been proven that with more repition and practice, most children progess faster.
My child is sick, can we still come to our lesson?
We do not recommend bringing your sick child to Funshine Learn 2 Swim. Cuts or grazes can be covered with a waterproof bandaid. We do offer two make-up lessons per term if you do need to skip a lesson due to illness.
Pre-conditioning your child involves teaching your child/baby to hold their breath on cue. This builds up to them being able to progress through the stages of Learn 2 Swim.
This is something that can be started at home, in the bath or shower - it is also practised in our lessons. For more on pre-conditioning check out the link below to Laurie Lawrences webpage.

Kids Alive, Do the Five
Our owner Zena, her son Will, with Emma, Evie and Laurie Lawrence at a recent Master Class